Brian took the boys to a father & son's activity. So Aubryn and I ran some errands.
First stop, The midwife. Had the pleasure of peeing in a cup. And the real pleasure of hearing the baby's heart beat. She was feeling my tummy and we could totally grab hold of some part between two fingers. I think it was his little bumb. Kind of cool.
Next, we went to dinner. Just the two of us. I took her to an old home town cafe/diner were they make real mashed potatoes and such. Aubryn chose to sit at the counter. Midway through our dinner she told me she needed to use the bathroom. I told the waitress and asked her not to clear our food. This is a small resturaunt and I thought we'd be quick so I didn't lock the door. While Aubryn was sitting on the potty with her head between my legs and I am standing in front of her with tissue ready to wipe, the waitress walks in. It was a bit embarrassing. But what made up for it was that the next time the waitress came to check on us she gave us each a free dessert. Cool.
Well we made a couple more stops to get father's day gifts and some groceries. (I only needed a few items and walked out with a cart full!) I had a good time with Aubryn. Now we're home. She's sound asleep. It is quiet, for now. Ahh. (I am anxious for them to get back. I miss my boys!)
Friday, May 30, 2008
Girls night out
Posted by anjie at 8:44:00 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Mom, I got poo on my foot.
Oh Man! That's what I thought when Aubryn said this to me this morning. When I checked it out I found a Pooh sticker on her foot. Few! Then I had pooh on my shirt. It went all over.
Posted by anjie at 1:03:00 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Road Trip
We hiked to an ancient Indian village.
Indian art from about 2000 years ago.
Piece of Indian pottery.
Posted by anjie at 5:57:00 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Long time, no post
So we finally broke down and bought a new computer today. Yipee!! I'm not sure how to wrap up all that has happened without writing a novel and putting you to sleep. So, I'll keep it simple:
Yard work, digging, digging, digging trenches, setting sprinklers, hauling dirt, raking, raking, picking up rocks, rocks, rocks, rocks, and more rocks, raking, raking, raking, and raking!! Fence. Plant seed. Watch the dirt. Watch the dirt more. (who needs T.V.? Brian has honestly watched the backyard for hours.)
Growing big. Feeling lots of kicking. Growing more.
Brian gave a nice talk in church on Mother's Day and wished all the mothers a "Merry Christmas". Huh? ha ha. He really did. The clock was broken in the chapel and I asked him how he knew when to end his talk. He said, "When I said, "Merry Christmas."
Basement. Picked out carpet, tile, lights, paint, and made lots of decisions. Will be done in 2 weeks. Well, that's what my contractor keeps saying.
Sister, Kristel, came to visit with her family. Lots of dress-up, playing princess, and playing in the water.
Yard sale. Got sun burnt. Didn't make enough money for the pain and suffering.
1/2 marathon. Brian drank and drank. Brian peed and peed. Brian ran and ran. Brian sore and sore. Who's in worse shape? Him or I??
Sick of catching puke. Sick of cleaning puke. Sick of cleaning poop. Sick of runny nose. Sick of cough. Sick of wheezing. (yes, Reagan got sick and is wheezing again. So sad. He has the flu and day two of the flu, came down with a cold. Poor kid. I stayed up with him last night for hours while he threw up. Makes my heart SAD!!!!!) Sick of kids being sick!!!!!!!!
Reagan saying new words!!! Aubby (Aubryn very happy about that), please, up, ice, out, flag, ME, and of course, NO!
Brad's last week of second grade. He is obsessed with the american flag. Not sure why. He was telling me about a guy that works at his school who broke his arm. "He broke his arm the same day as Brother Close. (his primary teacher) But they didn't crash into each other."
Aubryn said, "Mom, I'm not pretty right now. I'm gorgous."
Aubryn said, "Mom, you have nice eyebrows." I told her thanks. She said, "Mom, you're suppossed to tell me I have nice eyebrows."
I said, "Aubryn, you have nice eyebrows."
Smiles modestly, "Thanks."
It will take me awhile to get used to typing on this new keyboard. It is bigger than my old one. But, I'm happy to be posting again! Hope you are happy I'm posting again too!!
Posted by anjie at 7:01:00 PM 5 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Fire hazard
I am at Brian's office doing a few quick things on the computer. I was on my laptop last week and SMOKE started coming out of the keyboard! Yikes. I turned it off and it is in the shop t be looked at. I am anxious to know what can be done or if I need a new one. So time goes by and and I'm getting more things done. ha ha. I went to church on Sunday and found out it had been "no screen week". I forgot. So I figure, that's what I get!
Posted by anjie at 6:13:00 PM 3 comments