Sunday, June 8, 2008

Let's go fly a kite!

We walked down to the park this Sunday afternoon. (I found a new double jogger stroller yesterday at a yard sale. We tested it out. Pretty good! I found some great finds yesterday. It was fun!) The kids loved flying their kites! They all had a turn, even Reagan. Brad ran around and around the park. Aubryn just ran in little circles over and over. An interesting technique. Then I noticed as she spun that the string rapped around her neck more and more. Brian ran over and unraveld her. Lucky the wind was tame. I mostly laid on the grass. Cars that drove by probably wondered how that beached whale got all the way to the this park.
By the way, Brian and I saw a UFO or comet or meteor or something wierd in the sky. It was a huge flash that was there for awhile! Spooky.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun day! PLEASE, beached whale!!!!! Yeah right... You look so cute. You're not even big! HA!!

Welcome said...

That's awesome you got to see one of those fireballs. (I always miss the exciting phenomenoms. . . )

Kar said...

Beached whale - yeah right!! I'll bet you're one of those really cute pregnant ladies that just looks like she has a little ball in her shirt. :)

Jenny said...

that looks like so much fun!
the "UFO" sounds really cool. thanks for the link.