Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thumbs up

Thursday Rylan started sucking his thumb! That night he slept for 12 hours straight! But don't think I slept well. I was quite nervous. We kept checking him. Then again last night he slept again for 12 hours. Both mornings I woke him up! (I needed to feed him!!) I have never had a thumb sucker. I do like that he can sooth himself, but at what cost later? Should I put a sock on his hand now? Should I try to prevent this from becoming a habit now? Or let it go and deal with it later? I do like the sleep, but he was not a bad sleeper before. I usually only fed him once a night and again early in the morning. Sometimes not at all at night. Hmmmmmm
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Kar said...

In my humble, very un-expert Karlenn opinion, I think it's great to have a baby who can self-soothe. The time will eventually come when he'll need to be broken of it, but I've heard it's wonderful to have a baby who sucks his thumb. None of mine have, and they also didn't have binkies. It made for an easier time when they were toddlers - no difficult breaking-them-of-the-binkie moments, but they sure cried a lot as babies. So I don't know.

Julianne said...

He is so stinkin' cute. I need to come hold him. I say if it makes life for you easier...let him suck away.

Jamie said...

That's awesome Anjie. Porter still has never slept through the night. I've always wished my kids would suck their thumb. I agree with your other friend and to let him suck his thumb. It will be good for his oral stage that they need. I'm the not the best one to probably give you that advice though since I have an almost 4 year old who still wants her binkie. I'm really bad at breaking habits. I just keep thinking they will on their own. It's your decision though =) .

The Hunter's said...

sounds nice to me!! He looks so cute too!

Christi said...

That is too cute! He looks so happy and content. I am a big softy and couldn't pull that little thumb out of his mouth. But then I wouldn't be able to do it when they were older either.
Just let him suck his thumb and then hope and pray that he breaks the habit on his own.

But this is coming from a person who had a binkie until she was 4. :)