Tuesday, January 27, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

I was tagged:

1. I wish I liked cooking
2. I enjoy nursing my baby
3. I love to hear my kids pray
4. I love evening walks
5. I miss my husband whenever he is gone
6. My first and last kisses (as of a couple hours ago) were with Brian. And I’m proud of that!
7. I don’t like to wear jewelry
8. I cut my hair myself last week
9. I want furniture in my basement
10. I love Reagan’s laugh
11. I am impressed that Aubryn can put a ponytail in her hair
12. I love Brad’s passion and big expectations
13. I love Rylan’s fuzzy head
14. I gave birth to my last baby in the water
15. I wonder what Isaac is up to
16. I like my closet door closed and my bed made
17. I wish Jesus would return tomorrow!
18. I secretly have always wanted a radio talk show
19. I wish I was a great public speaker
20. I would love to have more babies
21. I will be sad when I don’t have tiny kids at home
22. I have never had a medicated birth (5 births)
23. I love to make my husband laugh and love it more when he makes me laugh
24. I don’t like big adventures. I’m wimpy like that. I’ve never tried to water ski.
25. I wish I hadn’t been so shy/quiet in high school

I would like to add that I am extremely grateful. I truly feel blessed. Just sitting here thinking of things about me, made me realize what a good life I have. I want to thank all of you, my close friends and family, for loving, caring, and praying for us. Thank you.


Kar said...

I loved this post. I love learning new things about you. I'm glad you like nursing - I wish I did!! You are such a "mother earth" - natural births, delivering in water, nursing... :)