1. Begin by playing with your brothers outside.
2. Go for a walk to vacant lot full of crazy weeds and stickers.
3. Go to the back of the empty lot to see the goats on the other side of the fence and fall into the craziest sticker bush ever. Make sure you get your head right into the sticky bush. The stickers should be, of course, very sticky! It really helps to have your hair pulled up into loopy piggy tails so that the stickers get stuck underneath and in the loopies.
4. Cry.
5. Have your mother rip the bush apart so that you are free.
6. Take time to pull the millions of stickers out of the bottoms of your flip flops so that you can walk home without pain in the soles of your feet.
7. To help cope with pain, play paper dolls while your mother rips the sticky pointy balls out of your hair. “Sleeping Beauty, can you play?” Ariel said.
8. After all 10 sticky balls have been removed enjoy extremely ratty hair.
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