Wednesday, August 11, 2010


In the Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West flies on her broomstick and writes in the sky, "Surrender Dorothy!"

When a ship is attacked by pirates, they put up a white flag and surrender.

This word has a much deeper meaning to me lately. I have been thinking about the upcoming labor and delivery of this baby. I am not whole heartedly looking forward to it. It will hurt. It will be intense. It will be worth it. But the only way for me to get through it is to surrender to my body and let it do what it knows how to do. If I fight, it makes it worse. I have to let go.

I have also been thinking of other times in my life when I have fought, only to learn that I need to surrender. I think denial is a great way for the human mind to cope. It believes what it can believe, until it accepts all it needs to know. There have been times that I needed to surrender to the will of God. The sooner I take what He has dealt to me and accept it, the sooner I am at a peaceful place. It is not easy to get there. Surrendering is not my nature, yet I have found power there.

"Surrender Anjie!"