Friday, September 4, 2015

June 2015 (Photos from phone)

 Eden was sick with a fever and I thought it was so sweet that Brad scooped her up and held her with no worry about getting himself sick.

 My life in one photo.

 School lunch!

 Kissing cousins, Hayden and Eden.
 Look at that strawberry!
 I took the kids to a movie and this is what I end up watching.

 Splash pad!

 She is not sure about the sing-a-ma-jig.
 James holding two big melons with his big muscles.
 Wesley was tired!
 Aubryn drawing Rylan.
 I sewed them matching pants.

 Wesley's finger nail fell off from when we were in Kirtland and it was slammed in the car door.

 Wesley before his first buzz cut!

 Aubryn's concert was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!  It is more like a glee club.