Sunday, January 19, 2020

Mid November 2019

 This is a screen shot of Wesley playing Sorry by himself.  It was so funny to me.  He would get so excited for each player, then scoot over to the other color and do it again.  It reminds me of Him playing Uno by himself and Eden has done that too.  Funny!
 Eden at the Doctor.  She had strep.

 She likes having a bed in my room.
 My special date with James and Wesley.  I feel like they have gotten overlooked lately.

 They are so funny!  The conversation was so silly and I kept thinking I should write things down.  I was funny when James ran out of the business and popped up in front of Wesley in the window.  Wesley's Expression had us all laughing.  First, confusion, then surprised, then he started laughing, then he ran out the door to join James.
 Wesley wanted me to buy this. he he
 Aubryn's new rug!
 We went to Bonneville High School's play, Beauty and the Beast.  Cousin Jaxon was the clock!

 Reagan just sitting in the van wearing wierd goggles.
 Eden and Wesley loving the fuzzy rug and pillow.

 Doing FHE.  Making goals.

 I decorated a little trailer.

 Eden put on some make-up! (Shimmery lip gloss all over)
 My bed buddy
 The gym took down the wall!  Sad day for our class.
 And added mirrors.  Took away our board and speaker.
 Brad's handsome new Profile picture.
 Wesley's basketball team.
 Trying on dresses for Aubryn's birthday and watching Provo's Most Eligible while we shopped.

 Watching Aubryn's basketball game
 Rylan and Clare finishing their roller coaster
 Feeding kids

 Cousins at the Music and the Spoken Word.

 The painting that I love is in the conference center and it is HUGE!
 Happy 15th birthday, Aubryn!!
 She was sung to super loudly!!
 First snow message
 My mom has been here!  My drawers are organized.
 Here we go!

Fun times in the snow!