Sunday, September 15, 2019

Blessings of having a full time service missionary in our home. Written August 25, 2019. Sharing as Elder Hawks completes his first year of service as a missionary.

Today is the Sunday before school starts. Back to school priesthood blessings were given this afternoon for everyone, even Brian. 
Brian blessed each child and me. Elder Hawks stood by him and laid his hands on each head as well. After each priesthood
blessing the child would stand up,  turn around,  and give their dad and big brother a hug. When Brian finished blessing everyone, 
it was his turn to sit in the chair. Elder Hawks gave his dad a priesthood blessing.  As I watched and listened,  my heart was grateful.
What a blessing!  There are many blessings that come with having a full time service missionary in our home.
In May,  after eight diligent months in the mission field,  Elder Hawks was transferred home to resume his mission as a service missionary.
As hard as that transition has been,  there are many blessings.
The blessing of seeing the struggle and seeing the overcoming.
The blessing that Elder Hawks can work as fast as he wants to.
The blessing of seeing him come home after a hard day of working.  Sweaty,  stinky,  exhausted,  and hungry.
The blessing of hearing the little things about each day.
The blessing of hearing some of the big things.
The blessing of seeing Elder Hawks wear his missionary badge.  He has many badges that he wears for the different places he serves. 
I love all the missionary badges so much. 
The blessing of feeling the spirit of the holy ghost testify of this work.
The blessing of feeling the holy ghost confirm that Elder Hawks is doing the right thing.
The blessing of Elder Hawks hearing his younger siblings pray for him.
The blessing of hearing Elder Hawks pray with our family.
The blessing of seeing the complex levels of good that the church operates. There are so many opportunities to serve.
The blessing of realizing how many need served.
The blessing of knowing that Elder Hawks is learning so much about the temple,  it's ordinances, and how much work goes into keeping
it running.
The blessing of knowing that Elder Hawks is learning the depth of what's involved with feeding the hungry.
The blessing of knowing that Elder Hawks is learning what it takes to properly care for the Lord's house.
The blessing of knowing Elder Hawks is serving the sick and those who tend to them.
The blessing of having Elder Hawks work closely with one of God's servants who is truly invested in Elder Hawks and relies on the spirit
to guide him.
The blessing of following the spirit myself as I learn how to support Elder Hawks, council with Elder Hawks, and at times back away.
The blessing of stretching my mind to see a new missionary experience,  different than what I planned on.
The blessing of knowing Elder Hawks is interacting with many amazing souls.
The blessing of knowing that awesome Elder Hawks is touching many lives.
The blessing of hearing him play the piano.
The blessing of holding him in a hug.
The blessing of younger siblings seeing Elder Hawks's diligence, effort, perseverance, resilience, and hard work ethic shine as he
continues to put his shoulder to the wheel.
The blessing of knowing that the work Elder Hawks is doing matters to the Savior.
The blessing of knowing Elder Hawks matters to the Savior!
Elder Hawks's mission continues.  Now,  here,  and in a new glorious way.