Sunday, September 15, 2019

"My Love" Written by me today, Sept 15, 2019

Garage sales and I used to be tight.  We were so close that I couldn’t wait to see him again. 
I would dream about him. I couldn’t sleep early Saturday morning knowing he was out there.
I loooovvved him. I would hop out of bed and put on my best clothes, the ones with deeep pockets
to hide cash in. I would put a hat on and in my haste sometimes forgot to brush my teeth.
It didn’t matter.  Garage sales didn’t care about looks too much and I found it in my advantage to
look less put together.

The problem was there were others.  I wasn’t the only one interested. As hard as I tried to get there
first, there was the “early bird” who always beat me to it!  I’m not the type to throw myself at someone,
but I was ready to throw some elbows. I needed the cheap goods! Nothing felt better than walking
away with a good haul for only a few bucks! It’s a delicate fight out there.  I would see the same people
week after week throwing themselves at garage sales. Did they have more to offer? More cash?
Bigger truck? Sad story?

After years and years of yard sales being my number one source for kids clothes, toys, games, puzzles,
books, my clothes, furniture, dishes, antiques, bikes, and even a SWING SET, I feel my desire for the
chase is dying.  I basically don’t have room for anymore stuff! Sometimes I start to think it would be fun
to go hunting for deals, but then I secretly hope I don’t find anything because there is no room for it.

I haven’t officially broken things off.  I can’t. I have to keep the door open, just in case.  I never thought
I’d see the day when I was not passionately running to yard sales, but the interest has faded.  I am
now cleaning house, really going through everything, and getting rid of as much as I can. Hey! If I
clear out enough space I might meet up with my old love again!