Friday, October 1, 2010

Mom's Turning 60!

I’m sure she is thrilled with me announcing that to the three people reading this.

For months my siblings and I have been planning a surprise for my mom. Last Saturday was the big day. We were all to meet in Jackson Hole at the Bar J Wranglers. Easier for some then others. My brother flew in from Chicago for the occasion. I had a week and a few days old baby. Which also translates that I was a week and a few days postpartum. This was important. So, we went.

When we got there Mom was surprised to see us all. Five out of her six children were there. We visited and took lots of pictures. I wasn’t sure the best way to pose. I said, "I’m not sure what my thinnest angle is." My Dad responded that it was from the neck up.

We presented my mom with a gift. It was a book of 60 memories or thoughts with pictures. It was fun to look through and remember all the good times.

We ate some good grub and listed to the show. Amazing talent! One guy could sell me a CD of him talking about cars and sports. I could care less about that stuff, but I would listen to it all day just to hear his voice.

The next day we gathered for cake, ice cream, and the happy birthday song. Good times!! When we were saying our goodbyes my Dad said to me, "Anjie, you look like you could have another baby in a week!" I think he meant it in a nice way. Uhh, thanks Dad.

Happy birthday, Mom!! I love you.