Friday, December 24, 2010

Random Tid Bits

Reagan "helped" Rylan say the prayer at dinner last night.  It went like this,
"Please bless that we will have fun tomorrow.  Please bless we can do whatever we want.  Please bless Santa will come and bring us presents."

During dinner Reagan sat tall and let out a big burp followed by, "I have BAD MANNERS!"

Reagan has been known to throw up when he eats to much junk food.  It happened again recently after the neighborhood cookie exchange.  A couple days ago he asked me to open a wrapper from a piece of candy.  While I peeled the wrapper he told me with a big grin (what other kind does he have?), "I like to puke!!"
Rylan was terrified of Santa.
When Reagan sat on Santa's lap he asked him for a candy cane.  Last year he asked him for an orange.
Aubryn wants a pillow pet. And a bunny Zhu Zhu.  And a Zhu Zhu car.
Brad wants Home Alone 3, which Brian and Brad found at our friend Garth's house when they stopped in for a visit.  He has the whole collection Brad can borrow!
Rylan's new favorite word is WHY? and, of course, NO! and he screams way to much.
When Reagan says, "I'm gunna beat you up!" he means, "I'm going to beat you!"
When he says, "I don't want to be ice cubed."  he means, "I don't want to get really cold."
One last thing worth remembering.  Last Sunday the children sang a song on the stand at church.  Reagan whispered to Brian that he didn't want to sing.  Brian told him to just go up there and smile.  He did.  He stood right in front with his huge teethy grin and didn't sing one word.  He smiled big the whole time and waved at a few people too.