Sunday, January 9, 2011

Primary Quotes

I am a Primary teacher at church.  (I teach children Sunday school)  There are two teachers in my class, myself and another gal.  Today was not my turn to teach, just sit in and help.  I have been laughing all day about this:

Teacher:  "When did your life begin?"
Kids: "A baby."
Teacher:  "Before that?"
Girl:  "Well, we were an egg and..."
Boy:  "There's no eggs [girl's name]!  We're mammals!"

The teacher continued to teach about our life in the pre-existance, before earth.  She told the kids about the war in heaven.  She told them about Jesus and Lucifer.  She told the kids that Heavenly Father and Jesus love us.  She told them Satan's plan to take away our freedom to choose for ourselves.

Teacher:  When you are sick does your mom stay up at night and take care of you?"
Boy:  "No.  She just puts me bed and gives me a bowl in case I throw up."

Boy:  (talking about how Saten gives us no choice)  "Satan tells you to hit someone, you have to.  But I'd hit HIM!  Everything he told me to do, I'd do it to him!"

The teacher told them they all chose to follow Jesus.  If they continue to follow him here on earth, they can return to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus again.

Girl:  "Are there mirrors in heaven?  How will I know who I am?"