Monday, August 8, 2011

I told Aubryn that she needed to do something nice for Grandma for sewing her a pretty skirt.  Aubryn said to me, "I allready did something nice for Grandma.  I made her look pretty.  I brushed her hair and made her cheeks not so wrinkly."
When Reagan changes his clothes he is like a stripper gone wild.  He rips his clothes off and swings them around and throws them as hard has he can.  Tonight he got in trouble for whipping Rylan with his pajama bottoms similar to guys in the locker rooms with wet towels.  One day he flicked his shoe off with such force he hit a frame with glass and busted it.  I am trying to teach him to take it easy when he changes his clothes.  So, the other night he was getting ready for bed and took his underwear off normally, without incident.  He said, "Look mom!  I'm taking my underwear off politely."