Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Kids say...

Wesley, Eden and I were all loaded into the van to leave.  I turned the van on and the windshield wipers went across the dry windshield because I left them on from the last ride.  It made a loud noise.  I heard Wesley laugh and he said, "The window tooted."
Reagan was sitting in the front seat as we were driving.  We pulled up next to a car at a stop light.  He looked over and saw about 20 tree air fresheners hanging from the rear view mirror.  He was shocked!  "Whoa!  Look at all those air fresheners!  They must fart a lot in that little car!"
James was being a bit of a stinker before school for a few days in a row.  Then the next morning he says, "My tummy hurts." as he laid on the couch and refused to get ready for school.  I thought he was trying something new.  He almost went to school in pajamas the day before and twice he went to school on an empty tummy after refusing to eat anything for breakfast.  I was so frustrated with him.  So as he laid there refusing to get ready he said, "Maybe if you fed me more my tummy wouldn't hurt."  It was class picture day and we told him he didn't want to miss that! I got him ready and dropped him off at school.  I got to the gym and my phone rang.  It was the school telling me James' tummy hurt.  I loaded up and went to get him.  I walked into the office and signed him out.  The office aide said, "There's his shirt.  It's in that bag."  I asked if he threw up.  He had.  I felt bad.  As we walked out I asked James if he was in his class when he threw up or if he made it to the bathroom.
"I threw up during class pictures!"  I'm not sure exactly how it went down, but I'm pretty sure he got it on other kids and his teacher did tell him he was like a volcano.  (I felt horrible)
Someone said something was impossible.  Reagan jumped in and said, "Nothing is impossible!  The word itself says IMPOSSIBLE!"  (I think he meant to say I'm Possible.)
We took the kids swimming and when we walked in one of the kids said, "Holy big bath!"
Someone was teasing Reagan and Eden didn't like it.  She clenched some fists and said, "Don't be mean at Reagan!  He's my honey!"