Monday, March 2, 2009

Mute Button Please?

"Mom, does that lady have a baby in her tummy?"

"Nooo, Aubryn. Shhh."

"Then why does she have such a big tummy?"


Jenny said...

aahhh. love those moments. my kids had a few of those a week or two ago when we had a friend staying with us.

Amy said...

Seriously. Will someone please enlighten the rest of us on the proper etiquette for such a situation??

Anonymous said...

I have SO many of those with Deklan. He is so very opinionated that it seems like it happens almost every time we go out. The worst part is he wont stop asking and pointing until he gets an answer, no matter how I try to distract him or just get him to be quiet about it!!! :-))

Kar said...

Oh, that is so funny!! Dylan yells out stuff like that all the time, and it's so embarrassing!