Sunday, December 2, 2012

Kids are downstairs in the playroom looking for toys they could give to a needy family.  Rylan came upstairs with the container of Mr. Potato Head toys and parts.  I said, "Keep it all downstairs.  Make a pile."  He went back downstairs and I heard the sound of toys dumping.  Brad got after Rylan right away.

"We're supposed to be finding toys not making a mess!" Brad yelled.

Rylan responded, "Mom said we're supposed to make a pile!"
Today I poked Reagan in the belly button.  He said, "Mom, will you stop poking me in the belly button!"  Then after a pause he said, "Mom!  Belly button has a swear word in it!"

"It does???"  I repeated it slowly in my head trying to hear a swear word.

"Yeah.  Belly BUTTon."
They other day I was walking through a furniture store looking a sofa sectionals with Rylan, James, and Wesley.  Rylan walked past one and said, "Ohh, that's a nice one."  Then we walked past another and he said, "That looks like a good one to wrestle on!"
I took the 5 youngest kids to a restaurant the day of Aubryn's baptism (I'll post photos later).  While driving home I told them all that they behaved so well that they all got a point.  (They add up points for prizes).  Aubryn said, "Do I get points for getting baptized?"
I walked into the kitchen and said to Aubryn, "Oh.  I just forgot what it was I came in here for."

She said, "I hate it when that happens."

"That happens to you?"  I asked.

She said, "Yeah, like when I go up to my room and forget why and then come all the way back down and then remember."

"I thought that only happened to people when they started getting old!" I said.

She laughed and said, "Like a grandma walks all the way upstairs and says, 'oh no I forgot what I came up here for.' and walks back down and then remembers, 'Oh yeah!  I forgot my cane!"
According to Reagan a kid at school is " A-larious!"