Sunday, August 17, 2014

One day after going to the library we asked Reagan to pick out a book to read.  He said, "I don't want to read any of these books!  They all have too much words in them!"
Reagan said the opening prayer in Primary at church a few weeks ago.  He prayed, "...Please bless us to have fun today.  Please bless us to have fun tomorrow.  Please bless us to have fun our whole lives."
Last week it was my birthday and we ventured out to go to dinner.  Rylan referred to me as the "birthday gril".  I chose Chick-fil-a because I thought the little kids could play while I had a somewhat peaceful dinner.  The kids did a lot of running from our table to the play area.  Rylan had to use the bathroom and when he came out he announced to me, "Mom!  I don't have diarrhea anymore!"  Happy birthday to me!  When our food came I was happy to see Brian had ordered the largest amount or chicken nuggets that they had.  It was a catering platter.  I think there were 65 nuggets.  We kept the plastic serving tray with it's serving prongs.  Woo hoo, bonus! Plus I wanted a certain salad there that I had a few months ago.  I ordered the wrong one!  bummer.  Oh well, reason to go back! ha.

Brad was the photographer