Sunday, March 6, 2016

Our mixer was not working well one day and Rylan said, "We'll need to get a new one at a yard sale."
Aubryn and some of the other kids have been super interested in the presidential election and asking me questions.  I had explained to Aubryn after many questions why I didn't like what Bernie Sanders pushed and stood for.  She said, "Why don't you just write Bernie and tell him what you think?"
"He won't care."  I told her.
Then Reagan said, "He'll just text you back and get you arrested!"
That same night one of the kids asked, "If Dad where the president, would he be a good one?"  That made me chuckle to myself, then Brad replied, "That depends.  Compared to who?"
Aubryn said something profound to me one day.  She has been asking a lot about Hillary Clinton.  She has heard girls talk about how we need a woman to become the president to show that women can do anything.  She has asked me about her and why I wouldn't vote for her.  I told her about Carly Fiorina. I told her some of the things Hillary stands for and that she is not an honest person.  Aubryn said to me, "Girls will vote for her because she is a woman and they want to show that a woman can do it too, but if they elect a woman and she does a really bad job then that will be sad for all women and people will think women can't do those hard things."  {something to that effect}
I have been cleaning my house room by room and getting ride of piles of stuff.  Yesterday I worked most of the day in the basement and playroom.  As I was finishing up and vacuuming Aubryn asked me if Grandma was coming over.  "No, why?"
"'Cuz you're cleaning."  Ha ha  She knows nothing motivates me to clean more than my mom coming over.