Sunday, April 17, 2011

Build the Angel

I teach the 8 and 9 year old children at church.  When we finish our lesson early we sometimes play “build the angel” (my churchy version of hangman).  In my game I draw parts of the angel until the halo, then I win.  I also make the word puzzle directly related to the lesson.  Today we talked about Christ healing the sick.  So the word was “compassion.”  Sounds good, right?
First letter a kid picked was S.
Second letter was A.
I didn’t even realize what I had written on the board till I turned and looked at the kids.  They all had their hands over their mouths and were making a sound similar to, well similar to one you would make when your Sunday School teacher writes a swear word on the board.
Hurry! Someone guess P fast!  That is right, I am building angels.