Thursday, April 7, 2011

...Then you might be the parent of children with pneumonia.

lethargic Rylan

 If your heart aches knowing your child is in pain with every breath...

If you don’t flinch when getting puked on...

If you wonder how high your ear thermometer can go when recording a temp of 104.5 degree...

If you loose your cool with the unlucky 100th telemarketer calling...

If your two year old won’t move off the couch except for when they fall off, and then they just lay on the floor...

If your two year old won’t talk because it triggers coughing fits...

If you fight with the doctor for your third child in a row who has gone to the doctor in less than 5 days to get a prescription you know they will need before they need it and when the doctor reluctantly gives in with a promise to put a note on the kid’s chart in bold letters you STILL have the nerve to ask for bubbles...

If you were awake more than asleep for countless nights...

If you leave all your groceries on the belt at the register and leave the store because the checker doesn’t care that you dropped your coupons one isle over...

If you feel overwhelmed with gratitude when your two year old starts walking around and talking...

If you are extremely thankful for motrin and antibiotics...

If you wonder what your problem is that you need this kind of experience as a reminder to cherish your healthy kids...

If you feel happy inside to find your two year old is well enough to make a big mess again...
Rylan touched my heart one day while he was sick.  I was telling him a story in the thick of his sickness when he would barely moved or talk.  I said, "Once upon a time there was a little boy named Rylan..." 
He interupted me and said in a whisper, "And Reagan."

Rylan feeling much better with a mouth full of mascara