Sunday, July 23, 2017

Leaky Faucet

We have a leaky faucet.  When I first noticed it, it was so tiny, I shrugged it off.  I felt it was no big deal.  It became a little worse and I thought i should probably tell Brian, but forgot and was a little worried he would be upset about the problem.  Finally, I remembered to tell Brian.  We tried to remember to avoid the faucet if possible or to pull the hose out of the faucet so it would not continue to leak down under the sink.

Anyway, being a little lazy and forgetful, maybe even hoping the problem would go away we didn’t fix it.

Here we are now and it is a big problem.  It got to be a big mess under the sink, even leaking into brad’s room under the kitchen.  Now we have to replace the faucet and possibly tear out some boards under the sink.  

Why didn’t we deal with the problem when it was small, and relatively easy?!

I started pondering this in relation to repentance.  Sometimes, it seems so small and not that big of a deal, so we ignore the problem. Then we leave things uncorrected and they develop into a bigger mess eventually.  There is no ignoring the leak now!  It has affected others, Brad in his room and really anyone that needs to wash a dish (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!).

Sometimes we choose to live with a mess, sometimes we can fix it ourselves, and, as is our case, we now need to call a plumber to help resolve the problem.  We can’t do it by ourselves.

Hopefully, next time a problem arises, I will not let it get out of hand.  Temporally and Spiritually.


The faucet is now fixed! It was a bit more involved than I thought it would be! It took a longer and there was some extra work we did not anticipate. It was tedious and hard. (missing parts, old faucet too stubborn to leave) Now it is better than ever! You'd never know it was broken before. AND I am grateful for it so much more than before. I LOVE IT! I loved running water before, but now I am especially grateful for my faucet that is fully functioning and fulfilling it's full potential!