Sunday, August 27, 2017


We could NOT decide what to do about going to see the eclipse in Idaho.  We had a place to stay (my sister), but school was starting the next day and we had been warned that we might not be able to get out for a few days.  I wasn't that concerned about school instead a life changing, once in a life time event, but it was Aubryn's first day of Jr. High.  We decided last minute to go for it and I am SO GLAD WE DID!!!!  You cannot put into words how amazing it was.  I get emotional thinking about it.  SOOOO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, you know it is going to happen and as the sun is slowly disappearing you feel the air changing, the color and the temperature.  It feels strange.  The shadows are strange.  Then, when totality happens it really takes your breath away! It was far more glorious than I expected.  We heard the whole area shouting and screaming in amazement. Nothing can capture the experience. I kind of feel like God gave us this treat that no one else could replicate or totally capture.  My only wish was that I had taken Eden potty before we walked across the street to the park.  I also wish that minute and 41 seconds would have lasted longer.  It was SOLAR COOL!!!!!!!!!