Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Aubryn's life motto

Yesterday we went skiing. Well, I watched Brian, Brad, and daring Aubryn ski. I could hear her telling Brian to let go. She wanted to do it herself. This was her first time ever wearing skies. She would cry when she had to sit with me while Brian helped Brad. She wanted to go up the big mountain over and over. Brad would have been content to stay on the bunny hill all day.
I was walking Aubryn and carrying Reagan to the van. There was a big pothole in the parking lot full of water. I wasn't sure how deep it was. I knew Aubryn would go for it. I said three times, "don't step in the puddle." She went right into it and was splashed in the muddy water. Luckily it only went to her ankles. I let out a sigh. Then she said, "Mom, I didn't die in it!"


Jenny said...

she sounds fearless. great in a lot of ways, but kind of hard on moms sometimes. :) i worry too much.

Kar said...

I can't believe how brave she was on the mountain! I was the biggest wuss when I first skied! :) Her personality sounds sooo much like my four-year-old's personality. And, in answer to your question, yep, my sis is having a girl - her first! She's like Jenny - three boys and then a girl. She says she's done procreating with this one.