Sunday, August 19, 2012

A couple weeks ago as we were driving down the road in our van we saw a woman running hunched over in pain.  I did a  U turn and Brian rolled down the window and asked if she needed a ride.  She was running late for the bus and had injured her back the day before.  We drove her to WalMart and then home.  After we dropped her off Rylan said to Brian, "That lady thought we were the bus, huh Dad."
Speaking of rolling the window down in our van...   On the 4th of July Brian and Brad where at Scout Camp and my parents came down.  We were driving to the Parade and had to get past a barricade.  I was driving and my Mom was in the passenger seat.  Our van has no fancy options.  It is THE base model.  I pulled up to the police officer who wanted to talk to us before we drove over by the parade.  He walked up to my mom's window.  "Roll the window down, Mom."
"Where?"  She asked.
"Right there, Mom.  You have to roll it."
"Where?  I don't see a button."
"No.  Right there.  You have to actually roll it.  There is no button."
"OH!"  She found the handle that you have to manually crank around to roll the window down.
Can you imagine as a kid that we would ever forget how to roll windows down?!
Speaking of Scout Camp...  I meant to write about it a long time ago.  I was so worried about Brian and Brad.  It was Brad's first year and he turned 12 the day he came home from camp.  I was worried about Brian.  They were 5 hours from home.  Anyway, all the bad luck happened at home, including a near bone break for Rylan. (Actually, he may have fractured his collar bone.  I never did take him in.  He seemed to use his arm okay.  His collar bone LOOKED aweful.  Really.  But he was running around in no time.  So I decided to forgo the X-rays and ordeal.  They would have just put a sling on it anyway.)  Also, I ran out the front door and down the front steps to tell my dad he was mowing the neighbor's lawn because he didn't know where the property line was.  In my rush I fell down the front steps.  It was very slapstick of me and it would have been pretty funny if it didn't hurt so bad.  Anyway, there were a few other mishaps.  I was talking to Brian on the phone towards the end of the week asking how they were doing.  "How are you sleeping?  How is Brad?  Are you having fun?  What are you eating?  How was the hike?  Are you doing okay?..."  Then I told him all that was going on at home he said, "It's a good thing we didn't stay home!  We probably would've gotten hurt!"
Speaking of mowing the lawn.  Here is a photo of Brad mowing a crop circle in our back yard.  He thinks this is so cool.