Wednesday, April 13, 2016


I've been super forgetful lately!  I just got back from the dollar store.  I went in for balloons.  I walked by the isle that sells a lotion that Aubryn likes for her dry hands.  So I grabbed some.  I didn't even put it in a cart, just carried it.  I grabbed the balloons and a few other things.  I walked back past the isle that sells the lotion and thought, "Oh, I should grab some of that lotion for Aubryn."
I got home and went through the bag to get Aubryn her lotion and THAT was when I noticed the two tubes of lotion.
I went through the drive through at the pharmacy to get James some eye drops.  They said, "We put your credit card in the bag" and sent it out through the drawer to my car.  I got home and put the drops in James eyes.  I thought, "I don't need this bag anymore."  and I THREW IT IN THE GARBAGE.  Didn't even figure it out for 6 days.
I asked Brad to look up someone's phone number that I needed to call.  He did and when he said, "Here's so-and-so's phone number."  my first thought was, "Oh! I need to call her!"
I'm sure there are more incidents like these, but I can't REMEMBER!