Saturday, October 4, 2008


Rylan is nearly 8 weeks old now. Reflecting on this early postpartum time I have remembered the challenges and the blessings. I know this can be a difficult time, yet I love it! It is so short and precious. And filled with sweet moments.

Rylan is working through his breastfeeding issues. What a struggle! But the pay off of a happy nurser is HUGE! I don't take it for granted.

My children seem to be adjusting to the addition. It is interesting to watch this. They love Rylan very much, and have from the start. But the anger pops up at random times. I have felt the guilt of neglect with each child. I am spread thin. But here is where the hero steps in.

My husband has been (I'm trying to think of the perfect, big, wonderful, word here. I can't.) He steps in and helps without being asked. He takes the kids on fun outings. He cleans. He feeds them. He was so supportive through my labor and delivery. I was overwhelmed with love for him then. It has only grown.

A week ago I was laying in bed feeling sick. I could hear Brian making cookies with the kids downstairs. I was impressed. That is until I heard Brian say, "Aubryn, Did you just spit in there?!" I guess we'll never know.

Another time Aubryn was crying. When I asked what happened Brian said she fell down. I asked where. Brian said, "outofthetree." I thought and processed that.
"She fell out OF the tree?" I said.

Overall we have survived. So far, ha ha. I love my family. Each one! The Lord hears our prayers. He loves us. Each one!


RicAnn said...

I can't believe he is 8 weeks already! Brian is such a good guy, I love it when the husbands step in and do what they know how. It sounds like you're adjusting fairly well. I am pretty nervous about that upcoming stage. You'll have to give me some pointers.

Jenny said...

the postpartum period can be such a roller coaster. :) i'm glad brian is so much help. the cookie story makes me laugh. :) so funny.

Kar said...

Wow, I can't believe it's already been 8 weeks! Yeah, that postpardem time is sooo hard for me. What a sweet hubby you have. What would we do without husbands who help us?

Drama Momma said...

Thanks for the laugh! I needed that. Spit and falling out of trees. She reminds me of my Hannah, sweet tough and at times a little to rough!