Thursday, November 13, 2008

Take Your Time

We had Parent Teacher conference today with Brad's teacher. Brad is doing great! He is smart and the teacher said he is very helpful to her. I am sure he is. He is helpful to me. He is a great kid!! One thing we started talking about, while looking at this spelling test, is that he needs to take his time. He tends to hurry through things so he can do something more fun. He is this way at home to. You should see how nicely he can make his bed, but usually just throws the blankets up. He is 8, you know.
He was sitting there by me. I said, "Looks like he had enough time to draw that cool picture." It got silent as we all took a good look at his drawing in the middle of his test. I looked at Brad and he was grinning with his hands over his mouth. Then he giggled a little. So cute.


Kar said...

That is such a boy thing! It reminds me of all my little 8th graders. Hurrying through so they can get on to more fun things.

Julianne said...

Way to go Brad...I say do your best and forget the rest! Sounds familiar...anyone a power 90 fan?

Jenny said...

great picture. what a cutie.