Monday, November 3, 2008

Taking my own Advice

Many times I tell Aubryn she can do hard things.

Today she asked me to take a dress off her doll. I said, "That dress is hard to get on and off. Why don't you just leave it on that doll?"

"Mom, can you do hard things?" She asked.


"Then do it!"

So I took the dress off the doll.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny the way that things we tell our kids come back around like that. We try so hard to teach our kids certain things to have THEM point out to us how we our elves aren't really practicing it! :-))
I love kids!

Kar said...

That's funny! I hate it when my sayings come back and bite me on the butt.

The Hunter's said...

he he!

Crystal said...

Bless her sweet little heart.

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